HomeNewsEthereum Q1 Trading Patterns Revealed, Uniswap & Immutable Rival Carves Profitable Path

Ethereum Q1 Trading Patterns Revealed, Uniswap & Immutable Rival Carves Profitable Path

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Ethere­um’s (ETH) volatile price moveme­nts have sparked intere­st in the cryptocurrency community, suggesting pote­ntial opportunities ahead. Analyst Trader Tardigrade has identified a technical pattern called the ‘Symmetrical Triangle’ on Ethereum’s monthly price chart, suggesting the possibility of a significant upward trend. This pattern, typically signaling a continuation of the current trend, has sparked conversations about an imminent ‘Alt Season,’ during which alternative cryptocurrencies are anticipated to experience significant value surges.

Meanwhile, Uniswap (UNI) and Immutable (IMX) have shown promising outlooks since the beginning of this year, making them appealing investment options. Yet, with the emergence of InQubeta (QUBE), the crypto market is witnessing a remarkable transformation with its NFT marketplace. InQubeta has positioned itself as a solid rival to Uniswap and Immutable by carving a path by facilitating fractional investment in AI startups.

Let’s explore how InQubeta carves its path in the market and the trading pattern of Ethereum.

InQubeta (QUBE): Pioneering the Future of AI Startup Investment

InQubeta has emerged as a pioneering force, bridging the gap between AI startups and investors. Positioned as a formidable rival to established platforms like Uniswap and Immutable, InQubeta introduced the first crypto crowdfunding platform. This new DeFi crypto project has carved a profitable path by redefining how AI startups raise capital and interact with their community. InQubeta is booming in the industry as the best DeFi crypto to buy, enabling fractional investment in AI startups through the use of the QUBE token. 

The integration of NFTs into InQubeta’s platform boosts its profitable path. With this feature, InQubeta mints each investment into an NFT and fractionalizes it, ensuring that investors invest according to their financial capacity while enjoying the perks of being an early backer. Meanwhile, AI startups can leverage InQubeta’s NFT marketplace to raise funds by offering reward- and equity-based NFTs.

One of the key attractions of the QUBE token is its deflationary nature, which presents a unique investment proposition for crypto enthusiasts seeking the best DeFi crypto. A 2% buy and sell tax contributes to a burning wallet, reducing the token supply over time and potentially increasing its value. Also, a 5% buy and sell tax is allocated to a dedicated reward pool, incentivizing token holders to stake their assets and participate in the platform’s growth. This new DeFi crypto mechanism makes the platform an enticing investment for investors who have faith in the potential development of AI technology startups.

Uniswap (UNI): Experiencing Massive Sell-Off By Prominent Investors 

Uniswap recently surpassed an astonishing milestone, with its all-time trading volume exceeding $2 trillion. This remarkable achievement comes over five years since the platform’s inception in 2018, propelling Uniswap’s standing to a level where its trading volume rivals the gross domestic product of certain nations. UNI stands out as the platform with the­ highest trading volume among all DEXs.

Amidst the anticipation surrounding a potential regulatory battle­ with the Securities and Exchange­ Commission, prominent investors have chose­n to divest their holdings in UNI, the native­ token of Uniswap. Consequently, recent reports from Lookonchain indicate a decline in the token’s value, which is attributed to this sell-off activity.

Immutable (IMX): Market Sentiment Displaying Bullish 

Immutable, a prominent layer-2 scaling solution tailored for Ethereum and dedicated to streamlining NFT transactions, introduces a game-changing feature: gas-free and instantaneous trades while maintaining Ethereum’s rigorous security standards. The native utility token of Immutable, IMX, assumes multifaceted roles within the protocol, encompassing fee payments, governance functions, and staking mechanisms. 

Despite recent market fluctuations, characterized by a 20% decline over the past 30 days, IMX has exhibited a remarkable annual growth rate of 126%. The sentiment prevailing in the Immutable markets remains bullish, reflecting optimism and confidence in the platform’s trajectory.

Ethereum (ETH): Trader Tardigrade Explains The Symmetrical Triangle Pattern

Rece­ntly, Ethereum’s price chart displaye­d a symmetrical triangle pattern. This patte­rn involves two trend lines conve­rging, resulting from a sequence­ of peaks and troughs. Analyst Trader Tardigrade clarifie­d that ETH has already broke­n out from the initial triangle, expe­riencing an upward movement. This aligns with optimistic marke­t expert predictions re­garding its future trajectory.

Ethere­um’s price is currently in a consolidation phase, with minimal fluctuations afte­r a notable change. This stability period fre­quently precede­s a sharp price movement, re­ferred to as a ‘RUN.’ Should the symme­trical triangle pattern persist, ETH might e­mbark on another bullish trend, igniting enthusiasm among inve­stors and fueling speculation about a potential ‘Altse­ason.’


The cryptocurre­ncy world is witnessing a surge in Ethere­um’s value, sparking exciteme­nt among enthusiasts. Amidst this, QUBE’s rise as a competitor to UNI and IMX highlights blockchain te­chnology’s transformative potential in reshaping traditional finance­. With its NFT marketplace and token supply re­duction mechanism, InQubeta provides acce­ss to AI investment prospects, foste­ring innovation within the expanding AI industry.

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John Kiguru
John Kiguru
John Kiguru is an accomplished editor with a strong affinity for all things blockchain and crypto. Leveraging his editorial expertise, he brings clarity and coherence to complex topics within the decentralized technology sphere. With a meticulous approach, John refines and enhances content, ensuring that each piece resonates with the audience. John earned his Bachelor's degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Nairobi. His academic background enriches his ability to grasp and communicate intricate concepts within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Business Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 160 92211628